Quick Patch!

Fixed some major bugs to do with palette generation and palette imprting.

Unfortunately, it's pretty late so I'm not going to be able to test on a MacOS system until sometime tomorrow.

For some reason Godot doesn't let me get the file dialog drive letter so it's defaulted to C drive. This will become an issue eventually so I might create a settings config file where the drive letter can be pre-defined. In the future I'll create my own file dialog because Godot's built-in one sucks. At some point there will be a full on redesign of the UI because Godot's UI feels cheap at times.

Also, if you want the path to where your palette files are located... It should be in your HYPERFIGHT file in AppData! (It's called HFPE ._.)

Anyway, expect another quick patch in the next few days.


HFPE Windows.zip 13 MB
May 26, 2021

Get Hyperfight Palette Editor

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