Alpha launch

Given this release is a very early access alpha build that I've only worked on for ~10 hours, I haven't done too bad.
Some parts of the application will, without a doubt, need reworking. I didn't do much planning as I wanted the first publicly available version to be "working": I didn't want to spent hours on end trying to get everything to be as efficient and as astetically beautiful as possible.

In the next week or so I will be focusing on getting this version of the application fully working - mainly just working on the palette importing bugs I guess - and after everything is working I'll start working on a UI redesign and look into better ways of implementing the current system.

I also need to work on a logo, page banner, page background, and other things to make the game, and for that matter the itch page, nicer to look at.

I don't want to leave any of the HYPERFIGHT community outside of the development of the project. Therefore, I've decided to make a trello board with what I'm working on and future ideas for the project. I will try to update the board as much as possible. I have also decided making these devlogs explaining what I am working on will help me stay commited to the project until it is finished.
Trello development board: Link here

Thanks for reading, Tokorv.

Get Hyperfight Palette Editor

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